Hey, Girlfriend!

❀ Making the World a Brighter Place One Friendship at a Time

HeyGirlfriend.Com ~ Swimsuit Weather

After spending Easter with my sister and childhood besties, I was reminded of the picture above.  


This was taken the summer I turned 4.  We must have gotten into our swimsuits so we could go for a splash in the kiddie pool, which was just beyond the camera’s view.


I am the girl in the bikini, check out my hair compared to my bff Nancy’s!  She always looked like a princess.


I remember watching, in awe, as Nancy’s mom styled her hair.  She would part Nancy’s hair and put it into high pigtails, then brush the pigtails around her finger to create perfect ringlets.


Our moms no longer do our hair and we don’t run around the backyard in our bathing suits, but we have as much fun today as we did then.


The four of us are forever bonded by our lifetime of shared memories and by the memories we continue to make.

We are most fortunate to be girlfriends for life.

HeyGirlfriend.Com ~ Swimsuit Weather

From Left to Right: Sarah 3, Me 4, Nancy 4, Amy 2.  Sarah is Nancy’s sister.  Amy is my sister.

11 thoughts on “Girlfriends for Life

  1. Nancy says:

    Ah, this made me cry. Happy tears. 🙂 We are so fortunate and blessed that we grew up together and have remained close.

    Oh my gosh, we were cuties. And look how sassy you are with your hand on your hip. When we get together I still feel like we are those little girls!

    By the way, I’ve always had that picture displayed in my house for as long as I can remember. It makes me smile.


    1. Pooh, I stole that picture from my mom’s album, it’s barely intact. I know where to get a better copy now!

      You thought my hand was on my hip, but you are mistaken. I remember the exact moment. You grabbed my hand the wrong way and I didn’t like it😌. I was trying to adjust, so both wrists would be turned the same… I have always been a creature of comfort.

      I am so glad to have had you girls to grow up with, too. We are more than friends. We are family.



  2. Janea says:

    How wonderful and heart-warming! Thank you for sharing that, Melissa. 🙂 What sweet memories. ♥️ Janea


    1. Janea, You have known all of us for a very long time, too! I am proud of that. 💕


  3. Amy says:

    I love that picture! We had so much fun being carefree and creative when we were together. Good memories! 🙂


    1. Never a dull moment. ❤️


  4. Sarah says:

    I love that picture too! I have a copy of it up in my bedroom. Not many people still have friends from toddler years when they reach adulthood. We’re certainly very lucky to still share a friendship and love that will always be there even if we don’t see each other as often as we would like. Love you girls!


    1. Sassy 😊, I agree! What we have is precious and rare. I love you, too.


  5. Nancy says:

    I know that all of the people commenting have no idea who I am… but I just love how you have shared this friendship with all of us out here in Bloggyville! THANK YOU!
    You were all way too adorable!


    1. Nancy, you are my true girlfriend, whom I happened to meet in blog land. For everyone’s information, Nancy lives at TwoTrailsOneRoad.com!

      I always love hearing from you! Thank you so much!

      Hey,Girlfriend! is a blog for everyone who wants to make the world a brighter place. It’s an all inclusive club for everyone who is willing to follow the official friendship code😉💖.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nancy says:

        😀😊 Sisters!!😀😊


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