Hey, Girlfriend!

❀ Making the World a Brighter Place One Friendship at a Time

This issue of Vintage Holiday magazine features a story on Certified Girlfriend Jami Doupé’s home.  The article and photos are by me!
Vintage Holiday Cover 2015

I met Jami at her beautiful shop in the North Coast Antique Mall, in Seaview, Washington.  I dragged my dad there for treasure hunting after he took me on his own brand of a treasure hunting trip:  Clam Digging.

Jami’s shop was sophisticated and romantic.  I told her it belonged in Romantic Homes magazine.

Both of us were in a hurry to get out of the mall, but we realized we were destined to be friends.  Kindred spirit bffs at first sight.  As we were about to say our good-byes, Jami threw in an offer to show us her home. Excitedly, we got in our car and followed her there.

Jami and her beautiful daughter Lily, another Certified Girlfriend

Jami and Lily

The home is called Jamison Cottage because it belonged to the Jamison family for nearly 100 years before the Doupé’s owned it.

The front of Jamison Cottage faces the ocean, away from the street

Jamison Cottage Frontyard

Once I saw Jamison Cottage, I contacted the Editor of Romantic Homes.  I told her I had just been to the most romantic home and that it was perfect for the magazine.

Jami and I thought a Christmas shoot would be fun.  The challenge was that Seaview is off the beaten path.  It is a 3 hour drive from Seattle and a 2 hour 15 minute drive from Portland.  Lining up a photographer, during the holidays, isn’t always easy.

You can read about this fireplace surround and sofa in Vintage Holiday magazine.

Jamison Cottage ~ HeyGirlfriend.Net

I was going to style the shoot and then I asked if I could also write the story.  Because of a scheduling glitch, I got to photograph the story, as well.  It was a LABOR of love.  I am by no means qualified, but the magazine was able to work with the photos I submitted.  Romantic Homes sent the story to Vintage Holiday Fall 2015, which is published by the same parent company.

To see photos that are not shown here and read more about Jami’s home, her decorating philosophy, Christmas at the Doupé’s and some of Jami’s decorating tips, look for the magazine at any good magazine stand or book store.  It’s pull date is November 10, 2015.

A vintage fridge on the left side of the kitchen and a charming antique range on the right side.  The Doupés really use these!  I have eaten delicious meals in their home, which proves a huge gourmet range and an oversized fridge is not necessary for delectable cuisine.

Jamison Cottage

Some of the things Jami loves: old labels, numbers, and antlers.

Jamison Cottage

These labels, attached to the canisters, crack me up!  Many of the labels are from old prescriptions, accounting receipts, checks or advertisements.  Jami, her husband, and friends find them at estate sales, grandmas’ attics, and old businesses.

Jamison Cottage

Joe’s study

Joe's Library, Jamison Cottage

Jamison Cottage

Jami’s genius sense of humor is perfectly illustrated here.

Jamison Cottage

Pretty French settee in Jami and Joe’s bedroom.

Jamison Cottage

Ostentatious figurines seem more subtle when they flank neutral colored tattered books.

Jamison Cottage

A bejeweled mirror with sconces and vanity tray, this causes me to swoon.

Jamison Cottage

In addition to Lily being a fashionista, she is also an accomplished singer, songwriter and musician.

Jamison Cottage

Lily’s room.  I originally messed up the bed covers to style the room, but it turns out Lily is actually this tidy!  

Jamison Cottage

Lily’s make-up table and much played guitar.

Jamison Cottage

The Doupés and their friends take advantage of good old fashioned fun.  With chairs gathered around a bonfire, they roast marshmallows, play musical instruments and sing together.

Jamison Cottage backyard

This inviting bed is equipped with an electric blanket!

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19 thoughts on “Vintage Holiday Magazine Photo Shoot

  1. Nancy says:

    Love it! I remember you talking about meeting Jami and how excited you were about this months ago, and now it’s come to fruition! Way to go!


    1. Thank you Pooh Bear! ❤ ❤ ❤


  2. Katy says:

    Melissa, this is so you – so pretty, original and fun!


  3. Thank you Katy! It makes my heart happy that you approve! I thought of you a lot when I was working on this. WWKD? What Would Katy Do? Or I would think of a description of something that sounded like it came from you. ❤ ❤ ❤


  4. joy swatek says:

    Mel, You are a gifted photographer and writer as you have the ability to capture every romantic moment with your words which seal the deal. Proud to be your friend. It’s neat to know people live like that. Makes me happy.


  5. Joy Merrill Carol, thank you! The Doupé family is extraordinarily creative, they have curated a beautiful backdrop for their family and friends. The most inspiring part of their story is their wisdom, kind hearts, desire for restoration in all things whether discarded treasures or people. Their home is a porthole of peace.

    I am proud to be your friend. xox


  6. Sarah Phillipps says:

    Yay for my sweet Jami and Melissa!!!! I love Jami’s house so much I have a bathroom dedicated to her style. She is such a gem. Can’t wait to go get my own copy of this magazine!
    P.S. I can’t believe Dad took you clam digging, so sorry.😉 Hope you didn’t have to eat them, too!


  7. Sarah, I DID have to eat them! I think I cut them up and made clam linguine with white wine broth on the second day ;-). As I recall, we had very few ingredients to work with and my dish was not a success. Manila clams are a different story, I adore them! ❤
    P.S. The first day of the shoot, Joe, Jami’s husband went clam digging and made a delicious fried razor clam dinner for us that night. They were crispy on the outside and tender, sweet and wonderful on the inside.


  8. Janet Bolinger says:

    Melissa, ( “Room Stylist” ) It’s so exciting to hear and ‘see’ the results of your photo shoot, down on the Washington Coast! What a wonderful time and ‘looking good’ too! (which is no surprise to us!) Romantic Homes is the same magazine that had your Long Beach CA home featured a year or two ago, right? I saw a brief glance of the magazine the other day when you were here, just before our trek uplake, but didn’t get back to you to read it! Sorry for that! It turned out to be a great article. Good for you! So glad to see the ‘final’ of all your work! love to you Janet B.


  9. Jami Doupé says:

    Lo Lo ,
    You never doubted .
    You are fearless. The true meaning of a girl FRIEND.
    Your creativity, heart, and love are in every line and photo.
    I am so humbled.


  10. Jami, you are the one full of creativity, heart and love! You are brave, too! Thanks for working so hard and putting up with me! It was a wild ride and a great adventure!
    Blessings back to you!


  11. Melissa, I love every detail of this photo shoot! It shows your heart, creativity, and love! Congratulations! You are an inspiration! Big hugs 🌼🍄

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Ana Alicia, Thank you! You have the gift of encouragement. You inspire me! Hugs and kisses


  13. Mel,

    You did a phenomenal job on this article, from your photography to your storytelling. You are so creative and Jami’s house is swoon worthy! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Lea Michelle DeFoe says:

    Just bought the magazine and was so thrilled there were more pics available here. These snapshots leave me so jealous I could cry….any shots of the master bedroom or bath?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Melissa is on vacation in Hong Kong (lucky girl), but will respond when she returns.


    2. Hi Lea Michelle! I am so happy you love Jami’s house. It is even more beautiful and special in real life. It is ethereal and peaceful. None of it is contrived, it’s truly a reflection of the Doupé family’s creativity and beautiful hearts.

      I will look through my photos to see if I can post some more. I primarily worked with natural light, which made the bathrooms and master bedroom difficult to photograph.


  15. Jami Doupé says:

    Hello Lea Michelle,
    Thank you for your interest in our home!
    I know Lo Lo is working up some extra photos to post, but in the meantime, I thought I would let you know that I have a few bedroom photos on Pinterest. They would be under my name.

    I am so happy that we could bring some beauty to your day!
    So happy you found the girl’s beautiful blog, also.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Nancy says:

    Ooooooooooh how beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing your styling ways and your beautiful photography!

    Liked by 1 person

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