Hey, Girlfriend!

❀ Making the World a Brighter Place One Friendship at a Time

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Last fall, Valerie and I had a Girlfriend getaway at the W Hotel Seattle.  We slept in, we hung out in our pajamas, we ate delicious food (sushi, Italian, gourmet American and fancy French), we worked on our photography skills and we explored.
We spent some time at Pike Place Market, which is most recognized for fish throwing.

Although, we like the fish market,

Fish Market 

We loved taking pictures of the Flower Market and the Gum Wall

Pike Place Market HeyGirlfriend.NetThis is so wrong, I could almost be a vigilante when it comes to litter, but how can you not smile when you see this?Gum Wall Pike Place Market HeyGirlfriend.Net

After the gum wall, we walked into a store called, So Much Yarn.  Valerie convinced me that I needed to learn how to knit.
She guaranteed I would LOVE it.  I resisted, knowing how many tools, sewing and beading paraphernalia I already own.  But when I saw the elegant virgin wool afghans and precious baby clothes on display I caved in.
We decided to buy each other a scarf pattern, a knitting book (Stitch ‘n Bitch the knitter’s handbook), yarn and a set of needles for our birthdays.  Valerie promised she could teach me everything I needed to know, since she has knitted many beautiful things.

 Valerie taught me how to make a ball of yarnValerie and Melissa creating a yarn ball HeyGirlfriend.net

Once the yarn was balled, Valerie cast-on for me, so that I could begin knitting and pearling my first rows.  I was excited to make a gorgeous purple infinity scarf.  I was a fast knitter, but after hours of knitting it became obvious I wasn’t actually knitting.
The next day we returned to the yarn store.  I left with new yarn, appropriate for a beginner, and instructions to only use a knit stitch.
A few days later, my husband and I left for a Parisian vacation.  I brought my yarn and needles, but forgot the one stitch I learned.

When we reached our hotel, I had a few minutes to spare.  I unpacked my knitting book and with little effort I was back on track

Knitting paraphernalia at hotel | HeyGirlfriend.Net

On the flight home, I watched movies and knittedKnitting on Scarf on international flight, hence an International Scarf (-: | HeyGirlfriend.Net

Six months later we returned to Paris, I traveled with my scarf, again.

I felt proud of my accomplishments and took pictures oftenAdmiring my knitting progress in Paris Hotel Room | HeyGirlfriend.NetThis photo exposes Palais Garnier opera house (of Phantom of the Opera fame) in the backgroundMy knitting project with a view of Palais Garnier | HeyGirlfriend.Net

I knitted on our train ride to GivernyKnitting on train ride to Giverny | HeyGirlfriend.Net

 I knitted in the living room at our bed and breakfast, Les Jardins d’Helene.  Sandrine, the owner, shot this picture and sent it to meKnitting at Jardins d'Helen B&B in Giverny | HeyGirlfriend.Net

We left Giverny and returned to Paris on May first.  It was so cold that I wore my scarf with the knitting needles still attached!
As of today, a year later, my scarf is close to completion!  Now I am realizing another challenge.  I don’t know how to cast off!  For you non-knitters, casting off is how the last row is finished, to keep it from unraveling.
This winter, if you spot a lady wearing a teal green wool scarf with knitting needles still attached, I hope you’ll give me a shout out calling, “Hey, Girlfriend!”

6 thoughts on “The Gum Wall and my International Scarf

  1. Anne Furey says:

    I adore this post…and the two of you…you crazy knitters, you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nancy says:

    Oh my gosh! The gum wall gives me the chills. I was actually down there this past weekend going to Alibi Room, and I swear I could feel germs falling down like rain as I walked through that alley. Of course, my friend said it was all in my imagination, but I know it was real! 🙂 Love you so much for the scarf story. You are knitting memories into that scarf and that takes time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pooh, I love what you said about knitting memories into my scarf, that is so true. ❤


  3. Diane says:

    Melissa, only you would walk around elegant Paris, the fashion capital of the world, with kntting needles dangling from your unfinished scarf. I love the visual picture of the Parisian’s shocked glares at your innocent desire to just stay warm. Always authentic in your living of life!!! That’s why I love being your Girlfriend!!!


    1. Di, a girl has got to do what she’s gotta do to keep warm! I have to admit, the knitting needles were tucked into my coat. The visual of knitting needles hanging out, for everyone to see, is so much more entertaining, though; isn’t it? ❤


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