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Get rid of 100 things ~ catologues

I remember Nate Berkus talking to Oprah about creating a beautiful home.  I am sure he said a lot great things, but what stuck with me was his nonchalant directive to get rid of 100 things today.  It’s possible he said, “get rid of 200 things” or “500 things”.

Get Rid of 100 Things ~ Get rid of old make-up and unused samples
As soon as the show was over, I went from room to room looking for things to get rid of.   The photo of the make-up drawer above was taken that day.


This is how my make-up drawer looked when I got rid of old and unused make-up and put things where they belonged.Get Rid of 100 Things ~ Get rid of unused make-up and keep only what you use.

I gained extra time in the morning getting ready because I wasn’t having to dig around for things.


I remember going from my make-up drawer to my garage where I found an overflow of books that had already been read and would never be read again or would never be read period.  I don’t remember everything I got rid of that day, but I counted 200 items.


Most of the magazines in the photo below have not been read.  I have a stack of mail order catalogues, too.  My goal is to read every one of these in the next few days and then get rid of them!


My friend Janea, from the blog theSTYLetti.com so sweetly gifted me with the subscription of Vogue.  I’m two months behind right now, but I will get caught up!

Get Rid of 100 Things ~ Magazines

This week I deleted several thousand photos from my computer and I deleted dozens of recorded tv shows.


I found airplane toiletry kits tucked away in my husband’s tiny closet.  In the past, I have given them to homeless shelters, women’s shelters and a home for women with disabilities.


A friend I made on a recent flight told me that the pouches are the perfect size to use as a case for iPad minis.  I don’t have an iPad mini.

Get Rid of 100 Things ~ Airplane Toiletry Kits

I use a few tricks to help myself let go of things.  I pay attention to how things make me feel.


If something triggers me in an unpleasant way then I give myself permission to let it go.  Examples are books I will never read or didn’t like, clothing that isn’t comfortable, photos that are out of focus or unflattering (of anyone), a decorative accessory that doesn’t give me a good feeling, things I am hanging on to based on guilt (sometimes it’s as simple as a bottle of shampoo I don’t like), unhealthy plants, broken objects that will never be fixed, unused and never to be used items and the list goes on.


I will talk about this plant more next week, but this pot is a good example of something I am getting rid of today!  It’s mauve and it’s plastic.  It would be fine if it matched my decor and fit the plant, but it doesn’t!Get Rid of 100 Things ~ ugly pot

If you don’t know where to get started with getting rid of 100 things, consider some of these:

Refrigerator anything that is old and possibly dangerous to eat, anything you know will not be eaten

TV Recordings, Emails, Voicemails, Text messages 

Photos any photo that is out of focus or unflattering, any photo that brings negative emotions and monopolizes valuable space (whether it is in a frame, in a box or stored in a computer or phone)

Files anything that is no longer useful or needed, whether it is in hard copy form or hard drive form

Plants that are unhealthy or unattractive

Decorations if it’s not good looking, is damaged, is a dust collector, adds clutter, doesn’t match, is a gift you never cared for

Books, Magazines and Junk Mail that have already been read, will likely never be read again or will never be read period

Toiletries/ Beauty Products if it’s being saved for “just in case”, get rid of it!

Medicine and Vitamins if it’s unneeded, old or rancid

Costume Jewelry and Accessories that is/are broken, missing a piece, out of date, uncomfortable or unflattering

Handbags, Footwear, clothing anything outdated, unflattering, uncomfortable, damaged, that is being hung on to out of guilt, that doesn’t fit or has not been worn in over one year.  *There are a few exceptions to this rule like a gorgeous wedding dress, a tuxedo (only if it is still in style), high quality heirloom or couture clothing.

Underwear anything that is uncomfortable or in bad shape

A few thoughts:

  • If an item causes you to feel guilt get rid of it.

  • The word “sentimental” is frequently abused.  The excuse of sentiment can become a weapon formed against the person who claims it.

  • Sentiment often monopolizes, consider that in relation to possessions.

  • Just because an item is an antique, doesn’t mean it’s good looking or of good quality.


I love to give to Salvation Army because they put everything to good use.  I never like to give worn out and beaten up things to someone else.  But I was once told that Salvation Army will send items to places like Africa, where sweaters and socks will be unraveled so that the yarn can be reused for something else.

When I am debating on whether to let a piece of clothing go, I remind myself that it will not help anyone if it sits until it is no longer in style.  It’s easy for me to let go when I imagine someone who is in need having something nice to wear.






6 thoughts on “Get Rid of 100 Things Today!

  1. Kim Hayes says:

    I needed this! Have been working on this exact philosophy!
    ❤ KH


    1. Rae, It’s so great to know we are, once again, in unison! It makes me feel good that this resonated with you! ❤️


  2. ssspaces says:

    Motivation! Sort of like Marie Kondo, without the time commitment. I’m on a mission now today. Thanks Mel!


    1. Jeri, As soon as I finish my LED Lighting Course, I will continue my mission, too. Maybe I will play my Marie Kondo audio book while I tidy, that’s a good motivator, also!! Thanks for the reminder! ❤


  3. This is exactly what I needed to read just now, Melissa. I love the way your makeup drawer looked afterward – and I remember loving how it feels to get rid of physical and emotional clutter. Here I go!!


  4. Janea, I just saw your closet and the rest of your house, you are a great example to follow when it comes to letting things go. I love how orderly and uncluttered your home is. I suppose, the reason your surroundings are so orderly is because you follow the discipline of frequent editing! xo


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